Cameron Osborne Con

Never has so much be written in support of leaving the EU (Brexit). What does this tell us?

It would appear to be:

  • Restrict our borders to 500,000,000 Europeans
  • Regain UK’s seat on the World Trade Organisation Board
  • Regain our ability to impose anti dumping tariffs
  • UK ministers constantly told “can’t do that it’s against EU rules”
  • Europol said 5000 Islamic extremists arrived into Europe in twelve months
  • Turkey population 75 million could join the EU within five years
  • David Cameron had to beg 28 EU countries to change UK welfare laws, but failed
  • Remain campaigning ministers could be described as defeatists
  • There would be a 2/3 year status quo after Brexit for UK and EU to conduct trade negotiations
  • Would the UK stop selling products to the EU? – NO
  • Would the EU stop selling products to the UK? – NO
  • Does the UK Government have the ability to govern itself? – YES
  • Being the fifth largest economy in the world gives the UK massive influence
  • Brexit provides the power for the UK to govern itself again
  • After Brexit the UK could control who comes to Britain – not the EU
  • David Cameron hasn’t been able to negotiate any treaty changes, repatriation of powers or EU budget reductions
  • The UK could supply the EU with Shale Gas if they behave themselves
  • Immigration controlled by a points based system
  • Full control over our own borders
  • Regain ability to reduce net migration from 336,000 a year
  • Net migration is the highest figure for 25 years
  • David Cameron told us that net migration would be reduced to “tens of thousands”
  • Being able to trade with the world and the EU
  • To regain full sovereignty
  • To stop paying £55 million a day for EU membership
  • To regain UK laws over EU laws

union-jackIn Out Referendum Advert & Press Cuttings Postings

This site has been created to portray what we understand are the aims and aspirations of the Brexit parties. Because of the difficulties of putting referendum messages across to people we have decided to arrange a separate In Out Referendum advert and press cuttings postings site in order to help gather the views of as many members of the public as possible.

To help understand the policies relating to leaving the EU (Brexit) and to be in a better position to prepare your advert and press cutting to send in we would suggest taking a look at Manifesto Summary.

All of the most important views are contained here and should help you prepare your advert or to find the most suitable press cutting for the site.

Another source of information can sometimes be found in the Daily Express, who openly campaign for the UK to leave the EU.


